
Showing posts from February, 2020

Bright Spots

While I have not spent any time in a classroom as an educator, my experience in classrooms as a student have not been largely impacted by technology. However, one form of tech that I remember most from my time in middle school was smart boards. Probably out of date now, but the use of a smartboard was great in several different subjects. The class I remember it best being used was in my french class. Students would come up in front of the class and be able to conjugate verbs, do translations, etc. The use of a smart board was quick and efficient for correcting verbs and translations was quick and the notes on why a certain verb or sentance needed a correction could then be sent out to us all after class. The schools i've attended never really used much technology, however the smart board was always a fun thing to use and a great tool to learn with. I hope in the future, my old middle and elementary schools can embrace the technological changes. I feel that I might be a bit behind...